
Service materials

Service materials

AI Schliemann Service Materials

Introduction to the features of AI Schliemann, case studies, detailed service descriptions, and functionalities

Price list

Price list

Introduction to AI Schliemann's Pricing and Optional Services

Competitor comparison table

Competitor feature/price comparison table

Introduction of 'Multilingualization of Your Own Company's Website' with Comparison of Functions and Costs Among Major Competing Services

Useful materials

What about machine/AI translation?

How accurate is ChatGPT's translation? English edition

Which is more accurate when translating using Google Translate or DeepL or using ChatGPT? Corrected by a professional translator using actual sentence examples

What about machine/AI translation?

2023 Edition What about machine translation and AI translation?

We introduce the translation accuracy of machine translation engines such as Google Translate and DeepL, using major languages, in a cross-review format with a 100-point scale.